
Showing posts from 2016

My Poem.

Brain-Storm- Hummingbirds, Leaves falling off trees, The bright shining light in my eyes, Shivering winter, Soccer game, Skiing, Sun rising up, The sun unfreezing the ice-cold snowfield, The beautiful hummingbirds sing as the sun rise when the bright shining sun came in my eye. Playing soccer while the shivering winter strikes me. The leaves falling from the trees as the wind storms. While the sun unfreezes the ice-cold snowfield.

Writing Test.

Standing,  digging my feet deep into the hot sand. Sun burning and heating my body. The sun shining and burning upon my back. Hearing the loud kids screaming as they play and run around other families. Hearing the seagulls moan like little brats. Waves crashing near me and other children. People surfing in the cold/shivering water while tasting the salty water. Water splashing upon the strong rocks. Smelling the delicious food that the adults have presented for their families. Hearing the food sizzling as the family is waiting. Feeling the pain of the rocks hurting my feet while I go out into the ocean. Tasting the salty water as I relax floating on my back and swimming. Following the footprints of mysterious people. Trees waving their branches as if they were arms. Feeling relaxed as my tummy is full with delicious food presented by my family. By Titi. Success Criteria: Use lots of interesting expressions in my voice Clear loud speaking

Earthquake poem

Earthquake Poem. Sleeping in darkness Dreaming Feeling a big earthquake Seeing draws opening and shaking Terrified that I might die Earthquake stopping immediately Then draws shaking again but stronger Waking up extremely Getting out of my bed Running down stairs under the table terrified that I might die Crying with tears as i’m sitting down under the table Wondering what will happen next? To be continued.  

Legacy Statement.

Legacy Statement. Veititi will be remembered for having a beautiful voice and harmonising. Veititi will also be remembered being a kind person to everyone and being a kaitiaki. She will be remembered for having lots of talents for example: Violin, Music, Singing, Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Keyboard and drums. Veititi will be remembered for being a positive learner in class. She will also be remembered for being respectful for e.g listening to others, sharing brainy ideas and asking gold questions. Veititi will be remembered for being a good friend because she helps her friends whenever they're in trouble. Veititi will be remembered for receiving awards for example: Violin and principal awards.

Product learning story.

Product Learning Story. Our success criteria for promoting a product: When we can…. Create a logo for our product eg Create a slogan to promote our product because people remember it eg.The Warehouse, The Warehouse, where everyone gets a bargain. Tell others what we think they should do by using persuasive words like You should…. Telling others what is good about our product using emotive words eg fresh, better Only telling the good things eg Saying that it i s safe and fun Offering a free trial or something else free Only use a few words for impact Show an image of our product that is big Show the image from different angles Show happy people using our product Choose colours that contrast Choose colours that represent the product Use examples Comparing - saying your product is better than others “finally” we get to do a product about making teenagers more healthy and improve their well being. For our product we sticked wit

2016 End of Year Self Reflection about my Learning and Achievements

2016 End of Year Self Reflection about my Learning and Achievements Name: Veititi My Strengths are… I am good at… (Explain and justify. Give an example) I am good at volley because i’m confident to spike it or serve it. I’m also good at violin because I practice every time and I can read music and learn the songs off by heart. Participation: This year I have participated in the following groups, teams and events (I.e. Kapa Haka, Poly Club, Sports Fest, garden club) I have participated in polyclub. I have been learning to dance to cultural songs. I need to work on knowing all the dances off by heart. Self Managing: I am a successful learner because I can… I’m a successful learner because I can choose a spot to work by myself. I’m also a successful learner because I can choose the people I can really communicate with. A goal I have achieved this year is __________. I achieved this by…. A goal I have achieved this year is to perform a

Athletic Learning Story.

Athletic Learning Story On Thursday the Year 5,6,7 and 8 students participated in school athletics. I was good at long jump because I took my time to run,jump,fast and high as I could. I was good because I bent my knees, head up so I know where i’m running, getting a good run up and knowing which is my powerful leg as I need to use this to take off. I was proud of myself for trying my best. I was scared  tired but I kept trying. My result was S for silver. My next step is to swing my arms 90 degrees to give me more power to jump and run fast. My favourite event was sprints because I like to run and get fit.

Maths Learning Story.

Maths Learning Story. Purpose: To accurately and precisely measure angles using  a protractor. In the past few weeks we have been learning how to use a protractor to measure the angle of the dabs we have been given. I was good at identifying the angle being measured. I also was good at making sure that the line with 0 and 180 along a baseline for eg I know that this is 90 degrees because of the the square symbol in the corner or  I know that 180 degrees has the circle in the corner such as the other degrees except the 90 degrees

Poem Learning Story.

Poem Learning Story. Purpose: To invoke a feeling and make the reader visualise that they are there. We have been learning how to write our own poems by using figurative language and also using all the senses. We were also learning to use personification to describe the clouds personality. We have been watching videos and listening to others to get some of their prior knowledge. In my poem I used Onomatopoeia such as Bang!. Here is one of my poems. Here is an example to my poem. My cloud poem. Battle of war beginning Soldiers defeating each other with guns Lightning coming out there guns as they fire “bang!” “boom!” goes the guns Fighting to death as they go.

Art Learning Story.

Art Learning Story. Purpose: How do we create bold images that represent our ancestor and what they are remembered for?. In the past few weeks we have been learning how to create bold images and what our ancestors are remembered for. I was good at using cultural colours to represent my  ancestor. I used cultural colours to show that my ancestor was Samoan. I showed that my ancestor was a chief by using some pea's on the legs and arms. Another image I used to show that my ancestor was a chief by using the fue and the to’oto’o. My next steps is to be careful to choose contrasting colours to make it stand out. Next time I will try to not rush my art.

Reading Learning Story.

For reading we have been reading different stories. Most of our stories that we have been reading were based on myths and legends from different cultures. In reading me and my group have been reading this story called “Tarakura of the Rangitaiki Plains” by Bernadine Ngaheu. It was about a great Chief and great Warrior, his name was Iratumoana. There was also another character & this character was not a human, he was Tarakura, the monstrous taniwha who plagued the people of Ngati Awa. This book was interesting because there was a sentence that hooked me in Here is the sentence I was talking about: “This conflict between chief and taniwha would determine the future of the Ngati Awa people”. It hooked me in because.. it has interesting words- for example: Conflict & Determine. It also hooked me in because when I read it the author made me feels like I am part of the story. The author also makes us visualise an image in our heads by using- (Powerful adjectives to m

Writing Learning Story.

Writing Learning Story. In writing we have been writing Narratives. We re-wrote different Narratives into our own words- Maui & The Sun and Apache Myth. These are my success criteria that helped me in writing Narratives: I can include interesting ideas like what people do and what happens in my Narratives. I can also include: Ideas we can infer from (show not tell) & include in the past in my Narratives. Sentences: I can use or include: A hook to make the reader hooked in straight away in my Narratives. Figurative language: I could include Onomatopoeia when a word makes a sound e.g BOOM!!! in my Narratives. Here is a piece of writing i’d like to share- (Veititi and The Sun)... In the past in there lived a girl called Veititi who lived with her brothers in a old rusty torn house & they street they lived in was Waitangirua. There also lived a Flammable, Deceitful and lazy Sun. The sun looked like a warrior going to battle an army of

Fraction Learning Story

Fraction Learning Story In Maths with Miss Gibbs we have being working on our fractions but hard ones. The problem is about Manaia’s Church is having a Mother’s Day service on Sunday. They spent ¾ of an hour practising on Tuesday afternoon, and ⅞ of an hour practising on Wednesday afternoon. How many hours have they practised for so far this week? I was trying my best to find out how many hours have they practised for so far this weekend? First we draw a diagram with ¾ and we colored in 3 boxes because it says on the problem that Manaia’s sister’s spent ¾ of an hour. Then we draw another diagram with ⅞ and colored in 7 boxes because it says that ⅞ of an hour practising on Wednesday afternoon. After that my maths group were tired same as me but I didn’t give up because when you are in a maths group you don’t give up i was really trying my best thinking and thought to worked out the problem but it was time to pick up. Next time don’t give up on your maths group