Writing Learning Story.

Writing Learning Story.

In writing we have been writing Narratives. We re-wrote different Narratives into our own words- Maui & The Sun and Apache Myth.

These are my success criteria that helped me in writing Narratives:
I can include interesting ideas like what people do and what happens in my Narratives.

I can also include: Ideas we can infer from (show not tell) & include in the past in my Narratives.


I can use or include: A hook to make the reader hooked in straight away in my Narratives.

Figurative language:

I could include Onomatopoeia when a word makes a sound e.g BOOM!!! in my Narratives.

Here is a piece of writing i’d like to share- (Veititi and The Sun)...

In the past in there lived a girl called Veititi who lived with her brothers in a old rusty torn house & they street they lived in was Waitangirua.

There also lived a Flammable, Deceitful and lazy Sun. The sun looked like a warrior going to battle an army of bad people. His face was tattooed all around and he looked like a EVIL Volcano going to blast into pieces of burning lava.

My next steps are to use figurative language and to use figurative words & also to use key words. Even my next steps are to use some more Success Criteria Ideas for e.g: (To use the feedback I am given from others to help me improve & build on my writing skills.


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