My Identity.

9th of October 2005 was the day I was born and raised. I was given a lovely name called Veititi. My name is very special because I’m named after my grandma. My culture is Samoa. My culture is my identity and personality. It gives me spiritual, intellectual and emotional distinction from others, and I am proud of it.

Would you like to hear a short story about my name? Well here’s how it started. It was 2005 in a beautiful island called Samoa where a beautiful mother was giving birth to a cute little girl and was wondering what name to give her. So she named her Lita but what happened was she named her niece Lita instead of me, so that’s how my name became Titi but originally it was meant to be Lita.  

Music is a talent and a passion that I love. Joining Violin when I was little is only the beginning. But now I am a expert. Netball is a sport that I have experienced ever since I was 10 yrs old.

Being the youngest is awesome but being with 5 brothers is even better. The experiences I’ve had with them are unforgettable. 5 brothers to live with, 5 brothers to die for, the memories we’ve had are precious to me.

In 2012 there was a horrible tragedy my oldest brother had been swept away at sea and did not return. He had passed away when I was 6 years old. I miss him because I didn’t get to know him very well and I didn’t spend time with him. All I know from the information on the newspaper was that he was a talented sportsman and Otago University student. Here is a link to the story about what happend:

Since 2012 I have been so lucky that I have been given a lovely opportunity to play a magnificent instrument called the violin. During this time I have been included in many informal and formal occasions and being passionate about the violin I play. When it was 4th of June I participated in the Kapi Mana competitions. Me and 2 other members that also play the violin played in a trio at the competition. Their names were Jillian and Rochelle. A trio means when 3 people play a song with different parts like a harmony singing. The song we played was called Horn Pipe. We came 1st for the Intermediate Ensemble.      

Do you want to hear a dramatic story? Well here's how it started.
It was a beautiful day and my class was down at the field playing ki o rahi. I was defending the goal with my friend Anita. It was all fun and games until my knee got dislocated. Straight away the ambulance came and the nurse had to put my knee back to where it was so she gave me some pills so my knee couldn't hurt but my knee was feeling numb.

In school I’m a self managing and focused person as you can see from all this work I’ve done. In school sometimes I could be shy but when I have support I am able to step out of my comfort zone and take risks. This year I have taken a huge step towards my learning. As my last year at Corinna I would like others to remember me as a leader of taking a lot of risks e.g sharing my passion which is music.  I show it by playing guitar and singing with my mentor Jillian Tupuse which is my friend.

Throughout my story about my identity I want people to know that our identity has already been chosen for us, but it is up to us to accept it, or fight and change it.


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