Maths Learning Story.

Veititi’s Maths Learning Story

At Porirua College, there are 220 boys.  132 boys choose to wear a lavalava.
E.J says that this percentage is because Porirua College students have a strong Samoan identity.
Do you agree that the percentage E.J worked out is enough to show that Porirua College has a strong Samoan identity?

Maybe you're confused about maths?. Well, I am too.

When I was reading this problem the first idea that popped into my head was to divide the whole number which was 220 to find fifty percent. I was trying to find out what percentage 132 boys is equal to.

Well, the first obvious thing was to draw a number line, so I drew a number line to show the different percentages. Here’s how I solved it.
As you can see on the number-line. I knew that half of 220 was 110 students so that was 50%.
Then I did 110+22=132 because 22 is 10%. I knew that 22 was 10% because I knew that 100%=220 so I took away the zero from 220 which equaled 22 which was the 10%. Or 220 divided by 10= 22 students.

To find 60% I worked out 110+22=132. So I worked out that E.J was right.

I found out that finding half of the total number is helpful because if you had a problem like this you could use the same strategy as me or different.

My next steps are to make sure I fully know the problem by reading through it again and again until I can explain and justify the problem and understand it.

Life is a math equation. In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives.


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