
Showing posts from 2018

My Yr 8 Leavers Legacy.

Veititi is leaving her legacy for us at Corinna School and from her legacy she wants it to stay within us. She is a straightforward, trustworthy, musically talented young lady. She hopes that people in Corinna School will be like her Music is apart of Veititi. It fits and suits her personality. Now that it is. It can’t be taken away. It is engraved in her heart. It gives her different opportunities. For example, Virtuoso Strings Orchestra. She said that hopefully in the future music could be her career and maybe in the future, she would have the ability to create music events and be a songwriter. Veititi wants to be remembered for being a caring, intelligent and outgoing person. Also for being a tall giant person and being a girl who is full of confidence. She wishes that she’d hopefully have two more weeks until school finished because she doesn’t want to l eave. She says that Corinna School is apart of her life. Veititi wants to dedicate a thank you to her hilari

My Writing Test

The Treacherous Bridge. Trying not to tumble while the bridge rumbles. How will I thrive? How will I survive? “And ACTION!” “Cut!!!”     “C’mon, imagine the green screen as your worst nightmare!... perhaps like you're in a Zombie Apocalypse trying to not get eaten or in a Jewish War trying to escape” “Maybe it will be easier if we go to an abandoned place where there is an actual bridge so we can shoot it in real life?!” “Alright!! we can go to a real bridge but first!... we are going to explore Thailand then maybe we can try and find some bridges?” 13 September 1967. There were a number of people who went on an adventure or took action on a film. There names were: Sarah, Joshua, Sophie, and Jack. Their film took action in Thailand and in Thailand they traveled to an unoccupied village. As they were wandering around the village they came upon a mysterious bridge. It looked demolished as if there were a HUGE! WAR! or a tornado struck it?. “Welcome back to

Own Report

Veititi’s Own Report: “A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement” - Bo Bennett. I am good at Netball. I am a supportive person in my team. Whenever we lose a game I encourage other people in my team who are feeling irritated to be happy about what they have achieved and done. I think that being friendly is the key thing to use when you’re relating to others or with your friends, and this is one of my best strengths because when people are having a hard time I have. I am also good at this competency because whenever I work in a group I can share my ideas and help people in my group understand the text. I am good at relating to others because I ask questions to my buddies when I’m stuck. This year when times have been hard I have used the strategy of asking for help and thinking that it doesn’t matter what people say. I believe that you should “Treat other people the way you want to be treated”. T here have been times when I don’t think

Samoan Language Learning Story.

Samoan Language. Ma’au i lou ofaga, maua’a i lou fa’asinomaga. Make sure you are in a position, based on your identity. I am a true Samoan and I am proud. Whenever you go to Samoa there is always a bright sun and some cloud. And trust me in Samoa we speak and laugh very loud!. For generation and generations, my family has mainly lived on a beautiful island named Samoa. My parents liked living in Samoa but now we live in Porirua. Since I was little I could only speak a little bit of Samoan but now I can speak a whole lot!!. Sia (my Samoan language teacher), along with my parents has taught me many things about how to speak Samoan. For example; how to pronounce words and teaching me the main cities in Samoa. On Mondays, before we start our class we always start with a prayer that we say in Samoan. It goes like this... Faatasi mai oe le Atua. O le Amata le aoga. Foa’i mai le poto i o matou mafaufau, puipui mai, ona o lou suafa, Amene. It means. Our God, b

Maths Learning Story.

Maths may not teach me how to add love or subtract hate but it gives me hopes that every problem has a solution. I might not like maths but I think it’s very worthwhile. Today’s Problem. 3 cm 10 cm 3 cm Alister and Sam are refilling the fridge with milk cartons. They want to save time by transporting the milk boxes in a bigger container so they can carry more at once. I think that this problem asking us or me to find out how many milk cartons can fit in the container or to find out the volume. How many boxes can they fit into the container? How I solved the problem. First I multiplied the centimeters of the milk boxes like this: Milk Carton:  4.5 cm x 3 cm x 10 cm . But I usually explain it like this: L x W x H which means Length x Width x Height. My answer was 135 cm . I didn’t use a calculator to solve this equation, I solved it in a short and i

Swimming Learning Story.

Splash!, Splash!, Splash! I can’t swim like the flash. I wipe my face with a cloth but I still swim slowly like a sloth. That’s why your feet go flip-flop. This year was not my time to shine because I sat on the sideline. Maybe you're wondering? “O.M.G! Who wouldn't swim?” Well, you’re reading a story about a 12-year-old girl who doesn’t like swimming at all!!!. Throughout my whole life, I haven’t been swimming  for a while. Well? When I say “for a while” I mean “FOREVER!!!!” Except for this 1 time when I was little in Samoa. You might be wondering what’s the story behind this?? Well back in 2012 there was a big tragedy and it included my oldest brother. His name was Albert Alapati. We found out that my oldest brother had passed away at Titahi Bay when he was swimming. Well while I was sitting on the sideline I learnt how to: use rocket arms to cover your ears to help you glide through the water, float on our tummy and back, Use a sculling action to keep us a

Hard Material Learning Story.

“Technology is coming up”. “12:30 to 2:30 on Thursday”.”Can’t wait, Yay!!!”. Every Thursday we go to Brandon Intermediate to learn different activities, we call it ‘Technology’. There are different groups, for example, Music, Hard Material, Cooking, Sewing, and Art. My first group was Hard material. In hard material, we have been trying to make a box. We started making them in week 3. The purpose of making a box is to put our belongings in it. In hard material, I was good at asking my peers if they needed help because on Thursday I asked Aria if she needed help with her box because she looked like she w as  struggling. The K.C skill I used was relating to others. Things that I found hard was remembering the tools/equipment because the tools  had difficult names that I couldn't remember like block plane. In hard material, the tool  that I was struggling with the most was the block plane. I haven’t used a block plane before but I stepped out of my comfort z

Art Learning Story.

What is surrealism art? Surrealism began as a philosophical movement that said the way to find truth in the world through the subconscious mind and dreams. Surrealist works often show familiar things in unexpected or impossible ways. Art is not my thing. But I stepped out of my comfort zone and had a try. I was really good at relating to others because I asked for advice on what colors I could use. In my art, I combined a guitar and my face. It shows that music is my passion. My hair has patterns in it which show my culture which is Samoan. The K.C skills I used was self-managing. I focused and chose the right people and the right place to get my art done. I didn’t distract other people and I shared my ideas. I was struggling with the equipment because it was too thick like the pastel. So I knew that my next steps were to not draw small patterns or else it will be hard to color. My advice for those people who don’t like art is to not be shy and just draw. Don’t be

Technology Learning Story.

Technology Learning Story. “Technology is coming up”. “12:30 to 2:30 on Thursday”.”Can’t wait, Yay!!!”. Every thursdays we go to Brandon Intermediate to learn different activities, we call it ‘Technology’. There is different groups for example Music, Hard Material, Cooking, Sewing and Art. My first group was Hard materiel. In hard material we have been trying to make a box. We started making them in week 3. The purpose of making a box is to put our belongings in it. In hard material I was good at asking my peers if they needed help because on Thursday I asked Aria if she needed help with her box because she looked like she was struggling. The K.C skill I used was relating to others. Things that I found hard was remembering the tools/equipment because the tools had difficult names that I couldn't remember like block plane. In hard material the tool that I was struggling with the most was the block plane. I haven’t used a block plane before but I stepped out of my comfo