
Showing posts from March, 2018

Maths Learning Story.

Veititi’s Maths Learning Story At Porirua College, there are 220 boys.  132 boys choose to wear a lavalava. E.J says that this percentage is because Porirua College students have a strong Samoan identity. Do you agree that the percentage E.J worked out is enough to show that Porirua College has a strong Samoan identity? Maybe you're confused about maths?. Well, I am too. When I was reading this problem the first idea that popped into my head was to divide the whole number which was 220 to find fifty percent. I was trying to find out what percentage 132 boys is equal to. Well, the first obvious thing was to draw a number line, so I drew a number line to show the different percentages. Here’s how I solved it. As you can see on the number-line. I knew that half of 220 was 110 students so that was 50%. Then I did 110+22=132 because 22 is 10%. I knew that 22 was 10% because I knew that 100%=220 so I took away the zero from 220 which equaled 22 which was the 10

P.E Learning Story.

Titi P.E Learning Story. “Yes! P.E, I think this is my favorite topic of all”. “Expect the best from ourselves and each other when we play team sports”. That's what the purpose is for P.E. In P.E we have been playing and learning Rounders, T ball, and Dodgeball. Dodgeball In Dodgeball I’m good at: Participating and taking risks-stepping out of my comfort zone, Sharing the ball/Giving other people a turn with the ball, Including other people and encouraging other teammates, Supporting my peers by cheering them on and giving high fives, Reflecting on our performance. Give feedback and say what we have to improve next time. I am good at these things because I take leadership roles and I’m a good sportsperson. In dodgeball I take leadership roles, for example, setting dodgeball up/ organizing the equipment and organizing the teams. I think my next steps is to have strategies because I never know what we are trying to do so I just go f

My Identity.

9th of October 2005 was the day I was born and raised. I was given a lovely name called Veititi. My name is very special because I’m named after my grandma. My culture is Samoa. My culture is my identity and personality. It gives me spiritual, intellectual and emotional distinction from others, and I am proud of it. Would you like to hear a short story about my name? Well here’s how it started. It was 2005 in a beautiful island called Samoa where a beautiful mother was giving birth to a cute little girl and was wondering what name to give her. So she named her Lita but what happened was she named her niece Lita instead of me, so that’s how my name became Titi but originally it was meant to be Lita.   Music is a talent and a passion that I love. Joining Violin when I was little is only the beginning. But now I am a expert. Netball is a sport that I have experienced ever since I was 10 yrs old. Being the youngest is awesome but being with 5 brothers is even better. The experien