
Showing posts from March, 2017

Pataka Exhibition Day Presentation.

P.E Learning Story.

P.E Learning Story. In P.E we have been learning how to help out our team, our teammates and ourselves. Our goals were to work together as a team by giving positive encouragements and to think of a helpful strategy to share it with our group. Our skills were assessed in 2 activities (Games). One of the games we played was dodgeball. In dodgeball I noticed that everyone kept getting out. We had to figure out what can we do to be able to win?. Our answer was to catch the ball to get people out several of times. The 1st game we played was dodgeball. When we were playing dodgeball I was good at coming up with strategies and sharing them with my team. I was also good at encouraging my teammates by saying “Try and catch the ball, you can do it”. But when I was playing I had to improve my skills by catching the ball so my teammates can come back in with me. The 2nd activity was T-ball. In T-ball I got some support from a teammate before I was going to hit the ball they were whis

This Is Me.

If you are wondering “Who is this?” well this is me. Talofa lava my name is Veititi but usually everyone calls me Titi, I am 11 years old and I also go to the incredible school called Corinna. If you look at the picture above you can tell that i’m samoan. I participate in lot’s of stuff in school for e.g: Music, Singing, Sports, Dance, Technology. I also participate in a orchestra named Virtuoso Strings. My special interests in my life are: Piano, Netball, Guitar, Soccer, Violin, Cricket and Volley Ball. In school my favourite learning are: Maths, Writing and Reading. Enough talking about myself let me explain about my family. In my family i’m the youngest but the thing is that I have 5 brothers and no a fence there quite annoying. Thanks for reading about me & my beautiful life.