
Showing posts from February, 2016

Special Taonga.

My Brother. Do you have someone special in your life? Well I do I want to talk to you about a Taonga: A Taonga is something or someone special to you. My Taonga is my big brother because we loved him & he communicates with us very well. My special thing to me is my older brother Albert Alapati because when he passed away me & my family felt emotional for him, that's why he’s a really special person to me. My brother was Tall. The only sport he loved to play with my other older brother was Rugby he was strong playing rugby. When it was time for the funeral, First my three brother had to lift it with with some of my cousins. Then our pastor gave the opportunity to people to talk about my brother for example a speech. The first person to go up was my dad. then, second was my Grandma. Later it was my Mum’s turn, she sang a Samoan song. Then it was my cousins and me & my brothers turn and we also sang a song. Then we had to go to the cem


Maths In the holidays Alex and Junior have been training for summer sports. They have been going for a run for most days. Alex ran 14 kilometres every day for 6 days. Junior ran 12 kilometres every day for seven days. Junior says he ran further than Alex because he ran every day for 7 days and Alex only ran on 6 days. Is he right?  This is how we solved the problem:                                 Alex.              Junior.                              1 Day. 14 kms           1 Day. 12 kms                                2 Day. 28 kms      2 Day. 24 kms                                3 Day. 42 kms   3 Day. 36 kms                                4 Day. 56 kms           4 Day. 48 kms                                5 Day. 70 kms   5 Day. 60 kms                                6 Day. 84 kms   6 Day. 72 kms                                                                  7 Day. 84 kms What I’ve done here is for both Alex and Junior we added